Monday, June 13, 2011

A Kitchen for the Girls

Wow, it's been a while since I have blogged!  I apologize for that.  Beautiful sunny days mean less time inside, therefore, less time on the computer!

A few months ago I started a project for the girls and just (finally) finished it (enough to play with).  Evelyn used to have a play kitchen, but it was given to someone else, so I decided to make her one of her own!

I started out with an entertainment center that someone was throwing away.  Brought it home and got to work!

 First I sanded the whole thing down and removed the cardboard back (with Evie's help of course).

Then I started drawing measuring and marking my cut lines for the back, doors, and shelves.

Which my pop then helped me cut (and yes I did do some of the cuts myself, but I can't safely photograph myself cutting!).

Next I cut out a hole for the sink, primed the whole thing, and attached the back.

And after many coats of paint (at least 4 all around) I was ready to put the doors on and shelves in.

After the doors and shelves were attached I installed the faucet and sink bowl (which is just a stainless steel bowl), oven, door handles (from Lowe's), utensil rack (from Ikea), stovetop dials (which I failed to take a close up of, also from Ikea), and an apron hanger on the side (Ikea again).

The revealing of the kitchen (can you tell the girls were excited?).

I still have some touches to add (a curtain for under the sink and a "window" with curtains above the sink).

This was an extremely inexpensive gift to make, just time consuming (especially the painting)!  The only things I spent money on were the handles, utensil rack, apron hanger and a sheet of particle board.  I had the paint, faucet, and "sink" already.  Total cost?   Around $30!  Hopefully it will last a long time.