Monday, January 10, 2011

Bea's First Birthday!

Yesterday was Beatrix's first birthday...I'm not too sure how I feel about that!  I can't believe a year has gone by since she was born, I was both happy to celebrate the day with her, and sad to see her age so quickly!  

She is picking up things by the hour it seems.  She has great manners (so far!), she signs DRINK, MORE, PLEASE, THANK-YOU, and GOOD-BYE/HELLO.  She is picking up more signs by the day it seems and has fun signing with Evelyn.  She also sings in the car when Evie is singing, she produces a great harmony!  She can answer the phone with a quick "Hi!" and says "Mama," "Dada," "Love," and her personal favorite "Josh!"  Also she has started to eat with a spoon and a fork instead of using her hands to shovel food into her mouth, much less mess!  She loves to dance, laugh, take baths, clean (and destroy), play hide-and-seek, and "Tag."  Really, there isn't a think this little girl doesn't love!  She LOVES her babies, and her new favorite thing is to give kisses!  I wish I could keep her at this stage forever, but time moves on whether we want it to or not.

Yesterday was Bea's birthday party at my parent's house here in Ellensburg, we had tacos!  We had a lot of good friends and family come to celebrate Bea's first birthday, and we all had a great time!  

Holiday Crafts

I wanted to post some pictures of some of the things I made over the holidays, so here we are!

These are some frames that I purchased and then decorated for Matthew's family this Christmas.

Here's another picture of the fabulous soap I made!  It was my first attempt at soap making, a complete success!  I look forward to doing this MUCH more!

Here are some more frames, however I made these!  I bought some wood at the local lumber store, and got together with my father who helped me make these frames!  It was our first attempt at using the router and we had a lot of fun figuring it out!  Every year we give framed pictures to Matt's parents for Christmas, but this year I really wanted to make something from scratch!  Also it was the first time that we had professional family photos done so I had to make good use of them!  Matt helped me embellish them, and Evie helped me paint them!  It was a combined family effort and we all had fun making these!